[Solved] VLC media player v3.0.15 ...
There https://get.videolan.org/vlc/3.0.15/, you can find 3.0.15 versions for various OS but https://www.videolan.org/vlc/ does not make them official.
So same issue with 3.0.15 as 3.0.13: unofficial version recommended by Vulndetect.
@Tom: I bet for 3.0.16 as next official version
@gregalexandre You are absolutely right.
I read on the forum that they pulled 3.0.15 due to a bug.
So 3.0.14 is still what is being offered on the download page.
We just made 3.0.16 available, so users can upgrade if they wish.
@tom : Thanks.
@OLLI_S : fixed issue. 3.0.16 is now available at https://www.videolan.org/vlc/ coherently with recommended version. -
OK, then I mark this issue as solved.