[Solved] Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime - Product-Page wrong
For Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime VulnDetect has the following Product-Page stored:
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge?ep=127&form=MA13KT&es=27On this page only Microsoft Edge is offered (not the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime)
The correct Product-Page for Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime is:
https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/VulnDetect also offers me an update for Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime.
When I click on Download Recommended Version then the following URL is opened:
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge?ep=124&form=MA13KU&es=27There is no file downloaded.
Is this intended? -
Soma additional questions (posting this in a new reply, so you get alerted in case you have already read the original topic):-
How is the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime normally updated?
By Windows Updates?
By Edge Updates? -
Is it intended, that users update the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime manually?
Or should this be done by Windows/Edge?
We've updated the links for Edge and Edge WebView2, thank you.
Edge WebView2 is a tad special, as there is different editions, some which are intended to be bundled with third party apps and then there is one which is system wide and can be shared by apps that need it.
The system wide one can be updated by simply running the latest installer, which is what we do, when you let VulnDetect update it.
The alternative is to let the built-in (Edge) updater update it.
Since many different applications use WebView2, it often takes time before it is updated (i.e. it often requires a system restart because important files are in use).
For ** Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime** the Product-Page is now correct.
@Tom: Thank you for fixing this! -
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