I really don't get that.
You already have all required information (what versions are installed, what versions are available on the vendors sites), so why don't you show the "Update is available" information to users?
Is this really that hard?
It would really help us users a lot!
RE: [Work in progress] Additional Status for Update Available
RE: [Work in progress] Additional Status for Update Available
There are many good arguments for implementing this feature, @OLLI_S mentioned some above.
So @Tom you should implement this feature ASAP (otherwise you force us users to expand every application to see available updates).
You already know if there is a new version available or not. -
RE: [Work in progress] Additional Status for Update Available
I am surprised (and very disappointed) that this is not yet implemented or has at least the status "Work in progress".
Seems like the guys at VulnDetect are busy with other stuff that has not such a great benefit than this feature here.
This is very very sad! -
RE: Is VulnDetect dead?
I am surprised (and very disappointed) that the feature "Additional Status for Update Available" (https://vulndetect.org/topic/492/additional-status-for-update-available) is not yet implemented or has at least the status "Work in progress".
Seems like the guys at VulnDetect are busy with other stuff that has not such a great benefit than that feature.
This is very very sad! -
RE: Is VulnDetect dead?
I receive the weekly Digest for the forums by email.
If I look at the last 2 weeks, then no user of the group "VulnDetect Employees" posted a reply (neither @Tom nor @VulnDetect).
These are the only users in the group "VulnDetect Team Member" where I see the description "VulnDetect Employees".I saw many posts from @OLLI_S but this user is in the group "Community Moderator" (description "Trusted members who has been assigned special privileges").
So I assume that @OLLI_S is a user like me that just has special privileges.So I really wonder what is wrong here.
When an official "VulnDetect Team Member" is not replying for 2 weeks (also not in this post here).
This is sad, very sad,Maybe @Tom should be more active here in the forums.
RE: Is VulnDetect dead?
Thank you @Tom for your answer.
I see that you are working on your detection rules and add some requested apps.
And that you enhanced the UI for business users.
But for me - a personal user - it is very frustrating and unsatisfying to see no progress.
So many features could be added easily (and maybe are already present in the business UI).
For example, the Status for “Update Available”.
When I expand an entry then I see at some entries the “Recommended version” so you already have the information that there is a new version available.
Currently I have to expand all my entries (there are unfortunately no counters so I can not tell you how many entries I have) to see the “Recommended version” (to see if there is a new version of the application available.
So VulnDetect is absolutely useless under the aspect that it tells me when there are new versions of my installed applications available.
I really hope that this feature is implemented soon.
The suggestion “List of Applications - Improved UI” is also a feature I would love to see (wrote this in Sept. 2018).
There I see the “Update Available” status and a clear separation between vulnerable apps and apps without vulnerabilities. This points out the importance of updating vulnerable apps.
It should also be easy to add Column-Headers and make the columns sortable.
There are so many suggestions here in the forums but many of them are still missing and not even started.
@OLLI_S Maybe you update the status of the suggestions so we see what features are available in the business UI and will be released soon in the personal UI as well.
You have to be more transparent and listen to the community.
I really hope we see some updates in the personal UI soon.
Best regards
Armin -
Is VulnDetect dead?
Dear VulnDetect team,
I am following the forums for two years now but the last months not much happened here.
Only the user @OLLI_S is posting a lot, but that's it.If I look at the Feature and Functionality Requests then not much was
implemented the last months.There are suggestions that increase the security of my system:
- Additional Status for Update Available
- Threat Level
But these are not implemented yet (making my system unsafe).
There are also some very basic suggestions like:
- Column-Headers
- Allow to Sort the Columns
- Export List of Applications (to print it or to analyse it in Excel)
Also not implemented yet (although they are basic).
So my serious question is: Is the project still active?
Is VulnDetect still being developed?
Do you have financial problems and have to work on other projects to earn enough money?You have to add more features and make the progress more transparent to users.
You should write what features you have implemented and what features you are currently working on.Best regards
RE: [Work in progress] Additional Status for Update Available
I also miss an indicator that there is a new version available (status is OK but there is a newer recommended versions available).
RE: Show updates for Windows Store Apps
and don't forget Onenote!
RE: OneNote (Microsoft Store) - App-Request
I also have Onenote from the store.
RE: List of Applications - Improved UI
Really an awesome concept!
RE: VulnDetect Agent should notify Available Updates
This is an essential feature
RE: [Implemented] Differentiate between 32-Bit and 64-Bit
When will this be implemented?
Would love to see if some apps are 32 or 64 bit.